Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Felted Blankie

Today has been "one of those days".

Sam was back at work and it's over 4 weeks till school goes back.  D has been a handful and M has tried to be helpful with his younger brother but I felt like he was being the parenting police towards me and D in his attempts.
We got this years school supplies this morning though, so thankfully thats all out of the way. And I got something finished for the baby.  I have 3 months to go. That feels like ages, but I have a feeling it will probably go quite quickly.

So, I made a little felted blanket. Before D was born I made him a patchwork cot quilt, but it wasn't very useful until he moved into a cot at 10mths...yes, I know that sounds very late to transfer to a cot but we lived in a little 2 bedroom villa and he was a refluxy bub so he slept in our bed and a hammock or in a sling most of the time. We simply didn't have the room or need for a cot earlier. The quilt was good for playing on while he was having tummy time, but it is only recently that he has started to use it like a proper quilt.

 I wanted something small to be useful for a tiny baby and made a bassinet size blanket. Its 26"x20". Later on if Number 3 is like M & D it can become a scrunched up dragged around blankie, or I was thinking as it is so colourful and textured it will make a fun wall hanging, a keepsake for Number 3's bedroom. I do plan on making a quilt for the next bub, but I am selecting fabrics and considering a design that will be for once they move into a single bed... so giving myself heaps of time to make it too ;)